I bring the gear with me. It includes piano, guitar, flute, microphone, mixer, loudspeaker.
Performing original songs or covers: from 200 EUR, depending on the songs and their number.
Custom song
It’s a song that I’ll write specifically for you or your event. It can be a wedding, birthday, a seminar or a business event, or maybe you’d like to give a personal song to someone as a gift.
After talking to you about your story and your ideas, I’ll make a first draft of the melody and the lyrics and share with you. After you give me your feedback I’ll finish and record the song. I can write lyrics in English, German and Russian.
If you want, I can perform the song live at your event.
Writing a custom song incl. recording: 500 EUR
Session singer/pianist/fluteplayer
If your project resonates with me, I’ll record vocals/piano/flute for you. I’ll also write an original song for you.
Vocals/piano: 100 EUR
Flute: 70 EUR
Original song + recording: 500 EUR
You can hire me directly or via soundbetter.com (click on the picture below):
“Mit ihrem gefühlvollen Gesang hat Victoria eine persönliche Note unserer Hochzeitsfeier verliehen. Die für den Auftritt sorgfältig ausgewählten Songs und die Performance haben uns als Brautpaar und die Gäste sehr berührt! Die wunderschönen Momente werden uns für immer in warmer Erinnerung bleiben! Herzlichen Dank, Victoria!”
“With her soulful singing Victoria gave a personal touch to our wedding celebration. The songs carefully selected and the performance touched us as the bridal couple and the guests very much! The wonderful moments will remain captured in our memory forever! Many thanks, Victoria!”
Svetlana & Christian
“Victoria hat unsere Hochzeit mit ihrem wundervollen Gesang begleitet. Nicht nur wir waren begeistert, sondern auch viele Gäste erkundigten sich nach der tollen Sängerin, die diesen Gottesdienst unvergesslich gemacht hat. Nochmal vielen Dank liebe Victoria, dass wir diesen Tag in bester Erinnerung behalten werden. Ohne dich, wäre es nicht das Gleiche gewesen.”
„Victoria accompanied our wedding with her wonderful singing. Not only we were delighted, but also many guests asked about the great singer who made this church service unforgettable. Once again many thanks, dear Victoria, that we’ll keep this day in best memory. Without you, it would not have been the same.“
Muriel, Munich